All Marketing is Measurable

Brand Development is the process of strategically thinking through and developing all brand assets, customer engagements, and company actions that influence customer experiences and perceptions.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is often confused and not appreciated for the strategic value it provides a Brand. So many believe that marketers solely responsible for graphic design and copy writing.

The American Marketing Association defines marketing as: the activity and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

It requires strategic thinking, data analysis, and the ability to work with creatives to deliver graphic design design and copy that grows the Brand in a manner that is measurable. It is definitely not pretty pictures and snazzy words.

Is Your Marketing Sufficient?

Much time is spent on trying to figure out whether or not your marketing has sizzle. Is your promotion creative? Does it stand out in a crowd? Does it sizzle?

Not enough time is spent on the steak rather than the sizzle. The steak is the strategy and plans as they have to be has to be mathematically sufficient. ALL effective marketing is measurable and the marketing plan and strategies must achieve enough measurable KPIs to to sufficiently drive volume results. It all has to lead to sales growth.

Do the math! You should be able to add up the marketing reach, impressions, conversions to leads, conversion to prospects, conversions to triers and conversions to loyal users. Nearly every time I analyze Brand Marketing efforts, lack of results comes from lack of sufficiency. You do not have to spend liberally; you do need to spend smartly.

Focus less on the sizzle and more on the size of the steak!

Brand Management is More Than Marketing or Branding

I spent approximately 18 years at Procter & Gamble in Brand Management. What is Brand Management? It is literally managing and ALL aspects of delivering a Brand product or service to the marketplace.

Brand Management was rewarded on creating profitable market share so we were responsible for delivering volume and profit. To achieve profitable growth, a brand must have all business drivers aligned against the same goals. Brand Management at P&G is being a mini CEO with billions of dollars of responsibility.

This is the lens I use to build franchise brands. Every brand needs to be developed to deliver profitable volume growth. Therefore, I develop brands not just marketing or branding.

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