Are You Ready to Franchise?

Are You Ready to Franchise Your Business?

If you're thinking of franchising your business, it's important to ask yourself some key questions. Is your product or service already established in the market? Are you willing to devote time and money to developing the system? Can you clearly define your brand? How many potential franchisees are there? Have you taken the time to find a quality franchisor? If so, here's what else you need to know about starting a franchise: 

Is your product or service already established in the market?

If you have a proven product or service that has been in the market for a while, then franchising may be right for you. This is because it saves time and money on marketing and establishing your business model.

You will also have a better idea of what to expect in terms of sales, costs, profits and so on. This means that there are fewer surprises along the way when starting up a franchise than if you were starting from scratch with an unproven concept or idea. 

Are you willing to devote time and money to developing the system?

The amount of time and money it takes to develop the system depends on your business. You may be able to do it yourself, or you might need to hire a consultant or lawyer to help.

 If you decide that developing a franchise system is right for your business, consider these questions:

  • Do I have enough time?

  • Can I afford it?

 Can you clearly define your brand?

This is the first step in your franchise development. A brand is a name, logo, slogan and other elements that help your business stand out in the marketplace. Branding helps you build trust with customers and develop strategies to grow your business.

 A strong brand can also help attract investors when it comes time for expansion (or even just if you want to sell an existing location). If they see how recognizable and well-known your company's name is in its current market--and if they see that there are no real barriers keeping them from expanding into other areas--it will make them more confident about investing in it.

 Have you taken the time to find a quality franchisor?

  • This is a crucial step, because you want to make sure that the company you're joining has a good reputation and will be around for the long haul.

  •  Ask for references from other franchisees in your area or region. If there are none available, ask if they can provide some from other areas (for example, if you want to open up a restaurant franchise in Los Angeles but don't know anyone who's already done so). 

  • Ask for copies of their franchise agreement, disclosure document (which explains how much money it will cost), marketing plan (how much money they expect each franchisee to spend on advertising), operations manual (the daily operations of running the business). 

A successful franchise can help you grow while maintaining quality control.

A successful franchise can help you grow while maintaining quality control. You'll be able to focus on the core business and still have time for marketing, sales and customer service.


If you're ready to take your business to the next level, then franchising is worth exploring. It can help you grow while maintaining quality control. The key thing is that you need to make sure your product or service is already established in the market and that there are enough potential franchisees out there who want what you offer--otherwise, starting this process will be a waste of time and money!


Franchise Founders Podcast with Dan Claps


Franchise Secrets Podcast Interview with Erik Van Horn